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I would like to Thank You for taking the time to visit this site. As stated above this is a labor of love and a passion for myself and all those who contribute to it's cause...To Become the Best Versions of Ourselves.


For me 37 years I have had the privilege to work for the same company for 37+ years that I currently serve as its Brand Ambassador of Coaching, Culture, and Leadership.

I have been able to help build and guide this amazing company to over 2100+ locations and still growing. Truly blessed. 


Over all those years I have come across tens of thousands of promising individuals that all want to be better versions of themselves. I saw individuals that wanted to become better people, parents, partners, happier in their lives and in many cases where aspiring leaders who didn’t know where to go to get smarter. I addition to that many of them did not have positive role models and or mentors in their lives and often had come from very difficult backgrounds. So, I saw a need, an opportunity to help, to give back and to "Be the Difference." 


One quality most of the people I work with have in common is that they all work hard, really hard. However, many do not know where to find the tools and resources to get smarter in order to work smarter. What I also realized was that...I was them once and I didn't know where to go to "learn to be smarter" either… I already was a hard worker. For me, I had to “figure out” a lot of what I know on my own and while those experiences have made me who I am today it took me a long time and cost a lot of money. Now don’t get me wrong, to be successful you always need to work hard, my problem has always been with the “working smarter” part. What I mean is that …

How does one get smarter?

Where do you go to get smarter?


Unfortunately, you are left to “figure it out on your own”, again taking a lot of time and costing a lot of money. So, what if you could “Learn to Work Smarter” in less time and for less money? Think where you could be then?

As a result, I created the BeBestYou Leadership as a free, educational, and informative resource for individuals who want to live their best life and strive to get better every day in order to be the best versions of themselves. 

We have a Podcast, where I get interview authors and thought leaders in areas of Leadership, Coaching, Culture, and Personal Development as well as a Blog and Newsletter. 


Like all of us, we are still growing and hopefully learning and so is BeBestYou Leadership. It is our goal to make this recourse better every day and useful for the BeBestYou journey.


So, if you got to the end of this little intro, I want to again Thank You for taking the time to read it and I am looking forward to where it takes us and we would love to have you along for the ride.


God Bless and BeBestYou.

Thank You

Coach Hughes


If you or anyone you know would like to inquire about how to be a part of BeBestYou as guest on the Podcast or be a Blog contributor, please reach out to us at:



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